Tyrell Corporation

Company Stats

Ticker: TC

Industry: technology

Starting Price: $60.00

Risk: high

Expected Return: 40%

Beta: 0.7

Tyrell Corporation is a cutting-edge technology company specializing in robotics, artificial intelligence, and cybernetics. Founded by Dr. Eldon Tyrell, our company is at the forefront of creating lifelike androids known as Replicants, aiming to blur the line between man and machine. We are committed to advancing the future of technology and human evolution. Join us in our journey to revolutionize the world and redefine what it means to be human.

Example News Events

TC Honored with 'Innovator of the Year' Award for Advancements in Robotics

Effect: +181%

Ethical Debate Erupts Over Rights and Treatment of Tyrell Corporation's Replicants

Effect: -55%

TC's Replicants Find Roles in Hazardous Jobs, Reducing Human Risks

Effect: +148%

Tyrell Corporation's AI Division Makes Breakthrough in Consciousness Programming

Effect: +166%

TC Honored with 'Innovator of the Year' Award for Advancements in Robotics

Effect: +214%

Tyrell Corporation Collaborates with Global Universities for AI and Robotics Research

Effect: +54%

Tyrell Corporation's AI Division Makes Breakthrough in Consciousness Programming

Effect: +100%

Tyrell Corporation's AI Division Makes Breakthrough in Consciousness Programming

Effect: +49%

Tyrell Corporation's AI Division Makes Breakthrough in Consciousness Programming

Effect: +79%

Tyrell Corporation's AI Division Makes Breakthrough in Consciousness Programming

Effect: +184%

TC's Replicants Find Roles in Hazardous Jobs, Reducing Human Risks

Effect: +111%

Tyrell Corporation Collaborates with Global Universities for AI and Robotics Research

Effect: +60%

Tyrell Corporation's AI Division Makes Breakthrough in Consciousness Programming

Effect: +49%

TC Unveils Next-Gen Replicants: Closer to Human Than Ever Before

Effect: +130%

TC Honored with 'Innovator of the Year' Award for Advancements in Robotics

Effect: +137%

Ethical Debate Erupts Over Rights and Treatment of Tyrell Corporation's Replicants

Effect: -113%

TC Unveils Next-Gen Replicants: Closer to Human Than Ever Before

Effect: +55%

Tyrell Corporation's AI Division Makes Breakthrough in Consciousness Programming

Effect: +89%

Tyrell Corporation Collaborates with Global Universities for AI and Robotics Research

Effect: +110%

Tyrell Corporation Collaborates with Global Universities for AI and Robotics Research

Effect: +129%