Green Bean Revolution

Company Stats

Ticker: GBR

Industry: food

Starting Price: $45.00

Risk: medium

Expected Return: 15%

Beta: 0.4

Green Bean Revolution is a leading global producer of plant-based meat alternatives, specializing in creating delicious and environmentally friendly products. Founded in 2020 by former chef and environmentalist Rosalind Green, the company focuses on sustainable practices and innovative food technology. GBR's products are available in numerous grocery stores and restaurants worldwide, with a rapidly growing customer base. The company's success largely depends on consumer trends towards plant-based diets and the continuous development of new and exciting products.

Example News Events

GBR announces major research project in food science

Effect: +9%

GBR faces supply chain issues impacting product availability

Effect: -13%

New vegan protein alternative announced

Effect: +11%

GBR's founder named as leading entrepreneur of the year

Effect: +6%

GBR shares reach all-time high

Effect: +29%

GBR starts community-based sustainability initiatives

Effect: +11%

GBR enters into new international markets

Effect: +32%

GBR partners with another smaller {plant-based|vegan protein company

Effect: +19%

GBR experiences disappointing quarterly earnings

Effect: -14%

GBR acquires a local {plant-based|vegan meat producer

Effect: +13%

GBR criticized for packaging waste

Effect: -12%

Green Bean Revolution acquires a local {plant-based|vegan meat company

Effect: +12%

GBR wins innovation award

Effect: +8%

GBR challenged with supply chain issues impacting production

Effect: -15%

GBR shares reach new record high

Effect: +38%

GBR obtains patent for innovative plant-based meat formula

Effect: +21%

GBR receives innovation prize

Effect: +9%

GBR criticized for environmental concerns

Effect: -16%

New study shows plant-based protein demand is increasing

Effect: +6%

GBR's founder named as leading CEO of the year

Effect: +11%